Ramadan, the month of fasting, prayer, and reflection, is one of the most spiritually significant periods of the Islamic calendar. Each day of Ramadan carries its own unique blessings, but the last 10 days have a profound importance unlike any other.
Last Nights of Ramadan these last couple of nights offer a special occasion for Muslims to draw closer toward Allah, ask for his forgiveness, and ponder the teachings one has picked up over the course of the month.
This blog will discuss the importance of the last 10 days of Ramadan.
Top 10 Importance of the Last 10 Days of Ramadan
1. Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Decree)
One has no excuse to understand that the last 10 days of Ramadan are of immense importance, largely due to Laylat al-Qadr, The Night of Decree, or The Night of Power, during those 10 days. According to the Quran (Surah Al-Qadr 97:1-5), this night is considered the holiest night of the year for Muslims. According to Islamic teachings, the night of Laylat al-Qadr is more rewarding than the worship of a thousand months.
2. Increased Opportunities for Forgiveness
Muslims have a golden opportunity in the last 10 days of Ramadan to ask Allah for forgiveness. During these days, Allah is said to be particularly forgiving, and the supplications are said to be accepted. It is an opportunity to start over and return to the drawing board.
3. Spiritual Reflection and Self-Purification
In the last days of Ramadan, Muslims delve into deep spirituality. They reflect on their actions during the month and try to cleanse their hearts and intentions. It is a time for humility, contrition, and self-refinement.
4. Intensified Worship and Prayer
The last 10 days are when Muslims step up their worship. This intensified devotion includes prayers, recitation of the Quran, and extra supplications. Muslims try to earn the most spiritual rewards they can during this time.
5. The Practice of Itikaf (Spiritual Seclusion)
Itikaf, a mosque retreat for worship in the last 10 days of Ramadan, is highly recommended. Itikaf is when Muslims withdraw from everything and devote their days and nights to worshipping, praying, and reflecting. It is a means of fostering their relationship with Allah.
6. Amplified Rewards for Good Deeds
It is said that any good deed done in the last ten days of Ramadan is multiplied in reward. Acts of charity, kindness, and community support have so much more meaning during this time, and Muslims have the opportunity to gain more blessings.
7. Giving Zakat al-Fitr (Charity)
As Ramadan ends, Muslims offer Zakat al-Fitr, a type of charity to purify their fast and assist those in need. This compulsory charity allows all Muslims to experience the Eid al-Fitr celebrations, regardless of their financial situation.
8. Strengthening Taqwa (God-Consciousness)
The last ten days of Ramadan are often an opportunity for the believer to strengthen Taqwa–God-consciousness. Therefore, it is a time for Muslims to embody an increased consciousness of Allah for every inch of their lives.
9. The Power of Dua (Supplication)
The last ten days are an incredibly strong time for heartfelt prayers. Muslims feel that prayers are more accepted during this phase. It is also a time for Muslims to pray for forgiveness, guidance, and blessings upon themselves, their families, and the entire Muslim community.
10. Preparation for Eid al-Fitr
The final 10 days are also an auspicious time to prepare spiritually and physically for Eid al-Fitr, the joyful holiday marking the end of Ramadan. Muslims thank Allah for the strength to fulfill the fast and come together with family, friends, and the community to rejoice.
Read about the Importance of Fasting in Islam
Concept of Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Decree)
What is Laylat al-Qadr?
Laylat al-Qadr is among the most important parts of the last 10 days. It refers to a night mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Qadr 97:1-5) as the night on which the Quran was revealed. a night of peace, mercy, and forgiveness. Better than worship on this night is worship for a thousand months.
Rewards on Laylat al-Qadr
The rewards for good deeds performed on Laylat al-Qadr, Muslims believe, are beyond measure. Allah’s mercy is vast, and Muslims believe that forgiveness of sins is more possible this night.
Increased Worship and Devotion
Spiritual Practices
Many Muslims have sought to deepen their worship in the last 10 days. These practices include:
- Taraweeh Prayers: Muslims pray extra night prayers called Taraweeh, aiming to complete the Quran during the last 10 days.
- Recitation of the Quran: Many Muslims read the Quran during the month in light of its meanings, and through Ramadaan, they strive to complete it.
- Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): Muslims perform Dhikr by remembering Allah through prayers and supplications.
Itikaf (Spiritual Seclusion)
Itikaf is a retreat to the mosque, a dependent practice of spirituality during the last 10 days, where Muslims free themselves from distractions to the world and devote themselves to worship.
Personal Reflection and Repentance
The final 10 days allow Muslims to reflect personally and repent. This is the time to seek Allah’s forgiveness and to renew one’s belief and dedication to Him.
Importance of Charity and Good Deeds
Zakat al-Fitr
As Ramadan comes to a close, Muslims are to provide Zakat al-Fitr, a charitable donation to purify their fast and help those in need. It is compulsory and performed before the Eid prayer at the end of Ramadan. It is designed to ensure that all Muslims, irrespective of their financial situation, can celebrate Eid.
Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity)
Beyond Zakat al-Fitr, Muslims have been encouraged to offer Sadaqah (a voluntary charity) during the last 10 days. It is said that rewards for donations are doubled during this holy season.
Amplified Rewards for Good Deeds
It is believed that every good deed you perform during the last 10 days is rewarded at a greater level. Congregational and charitable acts of kindness and service to the community is highly encouraged.
Check out the Top 10 Importance Of Ramadan in Islam (Hadith Included)
The Power of Prayer (Dua)
Significance of Dua in the Last 10 Days
The last ten days of Ramadan are the best time to make Dua or sincere prayers. Muslims believe that Allah is more likely to answer their supplications, personal or on behalf of others, during this time.
Accepting of Prayers
God has been considered extra receptive to prayers these last few days. Muslims Pray for warmth, guidance, mercy, and forgiveness for themselves and the entire Muslim Ummah.
Special Dua for Laylat al-Qadr
On Laylat al-Qadr, Muslims often recite this Dua, which was instructed to our prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
“اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني”
“O Allah, You are Pardoning and love pardon, so pardon me.”
This is a dua to ask Allah for forgiveness during the night of Laylat al-Qadr.
Spiritual and Emotional Impact
Increased Taqwa (God-Consciousness)
The last 10 days of Ramadan is when all Muslims strengthen their Taqwa (consciousness of Allah). It is a time to think of your actions, ask for help, and then reflect on a better way to follow that shall please Allah.
Renewed Spiritual Commitment
These are days when one recommits to faith. Muslims reflect on their bond with Allah and increase their commitment to worship and good deeds.
Gratitude and Reflection
The last ten days of Ramadan are days of expressing gratitude to Allah for his mercy. Muslims ponder the blessings they have received during Ramadan and thank Allah for all of his gifts.
Role of Fasting in the Last 10 Days
Continued Fasting and its Benefits
Fasting during the concluding 10 days reinforces the spiritual lessons gained throughout Ramadan. It reminds us of the need for discipline, self-discipline, and compassion for the needy.
Spiritual Cleansing and Discipline
It’s said that fasting during the last 10 days allows for spiritual cleansing and the chance for personal betterment. It reinforces Muslims’ purpose and goal for the sake of Allah.
Emotional and Physical Benefits
Aside from the spirituality that fasting illustrates, it purges emotional well-being and control over your physical body toward gratitude, patience, and perseverance.
Preparing for Eid al-Fitr
Significance of Eid
A time of feasting and celebration, Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. It is an identity for Muslims that marks the end of their fast and the great spiritual boost they have received.
Preparation for Eid Prayer
Before Eid prayer, Muslims distribute Zakat al-Fitr, wear their best attire, and spiritually prepare themselves to celebrate Ramadan.
Celebration of Community
Eid is a festive occasion to show unity and create bonds as Muslims pray and participate in Eid.
The final ten days of Ramadan are a time of increased spirituality, contemplation, and devotion. From the importance of Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) to the increase in acts of charity, prayers, and fasting, these days are an opportunity for Muslims to build on their efforts to earn rewards and ask for mercy and forgiveness from Allah. As Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims are urged to become spiritually prepared for the joyful festival of Eid al-Fitr and to carry the lessons learned into the year ahead.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the exact date of Laylat al-Qadr?
Most Muslims observe Laylat al-Qadr on the 27th night of Ramadan, but it can occur on any odd-numbered night during the last 10 days. On these nights, Maraji (learned scholars) recommend Muslims increase their worship to be blessed with this night.
Can Laylat al-Qadr fall on any of the last 10 nights?
Yes, Laylat al-Qadr can fall on any of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, but it is most commonly reported to be on the 27th.
How can I make the most of the last 10 days of Ramadan?
Exceed the limits of worship where you offer additional prayers (Taraweeh), enhance your Qur’an recitation, place ‘Dua’s, give charity, and forever indulge in Itikaf.
Why is fasting during the last 10 days considered especially important?
Fasting during this period also helps to cleanse the soul and develop discipline. Spiritual activity is heightened around this time so that the rewards can be greater.
What are some specific prayers (Dua) to recite during the last 10 days?
Dua recommended most for both the last 10 days and Laylat al-Qadr:
“اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني”
“O Allah, You are Pardoning and love pardon, so pardon me.”